Jaron's Dreams

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June 29, 2010, 12:12 PM

The invisible man and the invisible muffin infestation
I believe I had this dream on June 19, 2010, the same day I played with the Jake Russell Band in St. Louis. And as always, there is much I have forgotten at this point; my mind only chose to remember the really interesting bits.

I dreamed that I was in an older house with Rachel. I get the impression that we were taking care of the place, because we were alone and the territory was relatively unfamiliar. My wife, Rachel, was staring at a small glass dome--rather like the ones you shake up with snow--but this one had nothing in it as far as I could see. But Rachel saw differently. She saw a very small man inside the dome, a man as tall as my hand and no wider than my arm. I strained my eyes to see him, but I could not.

At this point I began thinking about this incredible gift Rachel had for seeing invisible things. She'd seen stuff in the past. And I had verified it in the past, because sometimes, if I looked hard enough, I could make out a faint outline of what she was seeing.

After thinking about this, I opened up an egg-carton looking thing with twelve muffins. I went to grab one on the edge, when Rachel stopped me. She said that that one was crawling with invisible bugs. Though I could imagine them with my mind's eye, strained and concentrated as I was, I couldn't see them. But I trusted her that they were there and decided not to eat what looked like a normal muffin.
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