Jaron's Dreams

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July 26, 2010, 12:17 PM

Giant Santa
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was at a carnival. I looked up in the sky and saw a gigantic, stationary and inflatable Santa Claus head towering above me. It was angled, looking off to my left. It was unbelievably huge! So large was it, that I feared that it would fall over on me and smother me even though it was a half a mile away.

I walked outside of the carnival to see if I could find where the giant Santa was stationed. I wound up alone in a desert-looking area. The giant Santa was in a deep ravine directly in front of me. He was inaccessible due to the height of the cliff. I assumed this because of the fact that he was huge and I was staring directly at his large belly, and because the ground that I saw around him was very far away indeed. I looked up and was genuinely terrified by the immense size of him. He must have stood half a mile of more into the air, his proud head and beady black eyes towering above me.
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