Lisa's Dreams

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August 20, 2009, 11:10 AM

I've had quite a few dreams in the last few weeks, but I couldn't remember my log-on information for this site. I remember certain scenes and snapshots of different dreams, and I don't remember how useful they'll be out of context, but I'll try and put down what I can.

The most recent one I recall is being in my living room at home with Kristi Moody, and she and I were trying to make Jendy and Jaron laugh. Jendy and Jaron are both people that I haven't had much interaction with and don't know as well as I'd like, and they were both sitting on a loveseat facing the stairwell. Jendy was giggling at our shenanigans, but Jaron was completely straight-faced and wouldn't dare crack a smile for us. I felt really awkward, but Kristi told me not to give up...


Michael Shanks, a favorite actor of mine from Stargate, was working on a new television series with some other people. He looked like he did in seasons 4 and 5, not quite as built-up as he is now. And he had his glasses on, like in SG-1. He had been kidnapped and was in the woods escaping from his captor. Now, I've never thought he was very good at depicting pain as an actor, and sure enough, he did a very bad job in this dream. He even did a really fake judo-chop at this guy's neck. I could totally tell he didn't actually make contact.
Then he was in a facility of some kind, trying to recover, I guess, as he was in a weird hospital frock that didn't really look like a hospital frock, more like a tunic and pants but with the hospital frock pattern on it, and some big guy came in to try and take him out again.
I don't think this dream has anything to tell me about my subconscious, other than that I like Michael Shanks. ^^


This segment is from a dream I had quite a while ago, I think even before we went to Boston. I remember the whole dream having a rather dark feel to it; the town was shrouded in gloom and there were black clouds over the sky the whole time, like a perpetual evening, with a sullen glow from city lights bouncing off of the bottom of the clouds in certain areas. All the buildings were black and old and probably reminiscent of how I pictured Malfoy Manor in the Harry Potter books.
I had ridden my bike to a particularly tall house in a part of town near some old railroad tracks and had gone inside.
Inside was a huge lobby with a balcony high up on the left wall with a door that some stairs led up to. I went straight back into a high-ceiling kitchen/dining room with a long black table and a wide, grimy window along the back wall that looked out over the railroad.
I sat down at the approximate center of the table, facing the window. It's been so long, I can't remember who was there, but it surprised me, whoever it was. And there was discussion about my arranged marriage to some older guy who was there, who happened to be arguing to the guy discussing my arranged marriage. I kept my mouth shut the whole time, knowing I wasn't supposed to speak. Gosh, I wish I could remember who was there... I don't remember if they were people I know in real life or fictional characters. I think they may have been real people... hm.
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August 20, 2009, 10:55 AM

Old facilities and flying monsters
my dream - nighttime, Tuesday, July 14

The first part of my dream that I can recall is jumping onto the back of a Ford truck and standing on the back bumper while it was driving. I was trying to scoop out the tiny dinosaur figurines I had thrown in earlier. They were all different colors; I remember a lot of blue ones, purple ones, pink ones, some green ones and orange ones... and they were really small, smaller than an egg. Just tiny, cheap, rubbery figurines.

I threw a handful out and had to jump off the truck to do so, then I would run to catch up and jump back on, shoveling out another handful. I did this three or four times before scattering the last of them on the road behind me. I don't remember who was driving the truck or who might have been with me. I got off the back of the truck and decided to use my bike to ride back and pick the toys up off the road.

I don't remember what happened immediately after, but the next part I remember was even stranger.

I was with a couple of friends, I can't remember who, and we went into a cavern/tunnel/secret passageway of sorts. It was big and dark and dusty and almost looked like an abandoned mine combined with an old storage facility full of boxes. But there weren't any boxes, just lots of wooden beams over head and around the walls, lots of dirt, lots of dust, lots of little cubbies and rooms to explore. It was laid out like a series of caves. And I found my ex there. He had found it first and was real excited to show us around, but I wasn't too keen on getting a tour from him. I was peeved that he'd found it before I did. (I recently severed all connections with this man a couple weeks ago and have some bitter feelings towards him, but I imagine he was in my dream because he would be the kind of person to find something like that first. He's very curious and adventurous and has a knack for making crazy discoveries.)

Anyway, I was climbing up over some wooden beams and turned around to find myself in a sort of attic, with a hole in the corner of the wall behind me. A big hole. It was an entrance to an office. The office was dusty and dark and spread out, with an old desk and cobwebby lamps and boxes stacked here and there. I told my ex about it, he said, "what??" and then proceeded to climb up after me. I don't remember the next part, but we went back downstairs and were suddenly met by a group of mid-teen girls and an older man who seemed to be in charge of whatever it was they were doing there. They were not happy to find us there.

The man said we weren't supposed to be there and we apologized. Then, for some reason, they decided to let us help out with whatever they were doing to make up for it and we hesitantly agreed. (It is at this point that I vaguely remember Michael Shanks, an actor I like, lying on a table and talking to someone. But I don't think it happened here. I think it happened somewhere else in the dream, but I remember it when I think about this next scene.)


So we walk up to a wall and there's a walk-in area, like a storage room, and another room on top of it, both open and facing the room we were in. The room on top doesn’t have a wall on our side – it’s just completely open, so I could see people walking up on top of the storage room. Inside the storage room were these... creatures. They floated. They were shaped and sized like sting rays, only thicker around the middle and with shorter flappy-things. And long tails. And sharp sharp teeth that are apparently dangerous. We were supposed to herd them, in a way, to another part of the caverns. And to do this, we had to use our mouths to hold on to a cream colored ball with a string attached to the creatures. (???) So they point me to one of the more dangerous ones, floating a little below eye level. I lean forward, open my mouth, and blow a bubble, and it turns into this spongy ball thingie (which already, magically, has a string attached to it) and I start walking backward, leading this thing along.

It's been told not to bite me, but it doesn't seem to want to be following me either. He knows to leave me alone and seems pretty content, but I can tell he's naturally inclined to just bite all our heads off. So as I'm leading him along, I trip going down a short ladder to a landing, and he gets jerked down. His teeth go into the bottom of my shin and I flinch and ask (through the ball?) if I'm going to die, but the guy leading us says I should be fine.

The creature has the decency to look a little apologetic, but only slightly. He just wants to keep going and tries floating away without me.
That’s all I can seem to remember. The dream was so long that I’ve forgotten most of the transitions and such. And as for the weird ball thing in my mouth, I think it was inspired by the Blue Man Group. My family got to see their show in Boston about a week or two before I had this dream, and there was an act where one Blue Man threw small bubble gum/cotton ball looking wads of something into the mouth of another Blue Man, and he caught every single one. He threw over 20 at him, and they all fit. It was cool, but strange, as he then used the giant wad in his mouth to make a small figurine. I'm pretty sure that's where this image of a wad in my mouth came from. Why I used it to lead these creatures, I've no idea :/ Random stuff.
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