Lisa's Dreams

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Back To August, 2009

August 20, 2009, 11:10 AM

I've had quite a few dreams in the last few weeks, but I couldn't remember my log-on information for this site. I remember certain scenes and snapshots of different dreams, and I don't remember how useful they'll be out of context, but I'll try and put down what I can.

The most recent one I recall is being in my living room at home with Kristi Moody, and she and I were trying to make Jendy and Jaron laugh. Jendy and Jaron are both people that I haven't had much interaction with and don't know as well as I'd like, and they were both sitting on a loveseat facing the stairwell. Jendy was giggling at our shenanigans, but Jaron was completely straight-faced and wouldn't dare crack a smile for us. I felt really awkward, but Kristi told me not to give up...


Michael Shanks, a favorite actor of mine from Stargate, was working on a new television series with some other people. He looked like he did in seasons 4 and 5, not quite as built-up as he is now. And he had his glasses on, like in SG-1. He had been kidnapped and was in the woods escaping from his captor. Now, I've never thought he was very good at depicting pain as an actor, and sure enough, he did a very bad job in this dream. He even did a really fake judo-chop at this guy's neck. I could totally tell he didn't actually make contact.
Then he was in a facility of some kind, trying to recover, I guess, as he was in a weird hospital frock that didn't really look like a hospital frock, more like a tunic and pants but with the hospital frock pattern on it, and some big guy came in to try and take him out again.
I don't think this dream has anything to tell me about my subconscious, other than that I like Michael Shanks. ^^


This segment is from a dream I had quite a while ago, I think even before we went to Boston. I remember the whole dream having a rather dark feel to it; the town was shrouded in gloom and there were black clouds over the sky the whole time, like a perpetual evening, with a sullen glow from city lights bouncing off of the bottom of the clouds in certain areas. All the buildings were black and old and probably reminiscent of how I pictured Malfoy Manor in the Harry Potter books.
I had ridden my bike to a particularly tall house in a part of town near some old railroad tracks and had gone inside.
Inside was a huge lobby with a balcony high up on the left wall with a door that some stairs led up to. I went straight back into a high-ceiling kitchen/dining room with a long black table and a wide, grimy window along the back wall that looked out over the railroad.
I sat down at the approximate center of the table, facing the window. It's been so long, I can't remember who was there, but it surprised me, whoever it was. And there was discussion about my arranged marriage to some older guy who was there, who happened to be arguing to the guy discussing my arranged marriage. I kept my mouth shut the whole time, knowing I wasn't supposed to speak. Gosh, I wish I could remember who was there... I don't remember if they were people I know in real life or fictional characters. I think they may have been real people... hm.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on August 20, 2009, 11:22 PM

Some thoughts

Ha ha! What were Jendy and I doing on a love seat? And in real life, I'd imagine our roles would be reversed--I'd probably be the first to laugh; I'm not 100% on that one though. I just know it doesn't take much...

And I like the vagueness of the last dream :)

Keep posting!

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