Chad's Dreams

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Back To September, 2008

September 14, 2008, 9:49 PM

Funny Wakeup
December 26, 2005

So I stayed at my parents' home this weekend and I slept on the couch in the basement. That would have been ok and normal enough. On the other hand, though, I was making up for a whole week of too little sleep and I drank a cup of cappucino right before lying down to go to sleep. I got to sleep alright - and fast. Then I had the strangest dream where I think I was about to have surgery to remove my jaw or something like that. There was a 33% success rate with that surgery or something.

All of a sudden my mom is in my dream and I get this weird feeling that this isn't my dream. Maybe I'm in my mom's dream and I'm not actually the real me. I thought about that for a second and realized that it's kinda hard to be self-aware if I'm a figment of someone else's dream. But what if I'm her dreaming that I'm Chad. Then I just sort of decided to myself "There's only one way to find out!!" So then I woke myself up to find out. I remember being in my dream trying to wake up to find out if I'm really me or not. So I woke up and there I was, myself.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on September 16, 2008, 8:41 AM

Were you glad you still had your jaw and identity

Lol, this dream's hilarious! Did you have your jaw when you were wondering about your identity?

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