Jaron's Dreams

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Back To February, 2010

February 8, 2010, 11:47 PM

Old Church, New Church, Heroes and Villains
Alright, awesome dream! There's a lot of symbolism in this one that means a lot to me in particular. I'll try to explain these as best I can after the dream; then you can try to figure it out. I'll give it my best shot as well...

In the first part of my dream, John Heston (my Dad-in-law) was going to read an on-line journal or story of mine within a certain period of time. I realized that there was bad language in it, so I attempted to edit it in the fastest way I could (using search and replace, etc.). My multiple attempts failed to alleviate the story of said bad language. This frustrated me.

In the next part, I was at Copper Creek Christian Church playing checkers or something. A lady was up on stage bashing Keith (the former pastor of CCCC). I got fed up with this, so I visibly left the church in front of everybody. Later I had to sneak back into the church to get my coat, and I ran into Dave Thompson (one of the elders). He was wondering why I was leaving. I told him it was because of all of the Keith bashing/nonsense that had happened at CCCC.

Act III: I went to a new church started by Keith. As I was entering the enormous sanctuary, I heard the last of a controversial message about how Wiccans weren't as bad of people as they were made out to be. I thought, "Alright, a message right up my alley; one that I'll have to think about that would be hard to hear for most people who don't think deeply about this sort of thing."

The sanctuary was as big as the sanctuary at the Metro Community Church in Edwardsville. There were rows and rows of folding chairs, a stage, and a gigantic pool-like baptistery in front of the stage. Paul Westbrook (the leader of MCC who is supposed to represent Keith in some way, I think) called us all to join him in the baptistery. This was uncomfortable for many, but I was one of the few who jumped in first. Everyone joined.

A fellow quite close to me began singing the Brian Wilson/Beach Boys tune "Heroes and Villians". I thought, "This guy's awesome." I joined in and made it a point to harmonize by singing some of the backup doo-doo-doo-doo's, dooby-doo-wah's or Ahhh's. I thought we had a pretty good harmony going. Someone handed me a card (which was also being handed to everyone else) that said that they wanted me to sing a Nirvana tune called "The End." (No such song exists in real life).

I asked Rachel how the harmony sounded, and she turned into Eric Folsom and said that it honestly sounded awful. "But I thought it sounded great," I replied back indignantly.

At the end of the dream, I ended up in a gigantic white room with no one in it, but a lot of people staring in at me. I was supposed to sing the Nirvana song. When I realized that I didn't know any Nirvana song called "The End," someone told me that the actually meant the Foo Fighters song at the end of the album "The Colour and the Shape" (New Way Home). I began singing this to a background tracking, and really chewing up the scenery, uncaring of what other people thought. I assumed that they were liking it. I gave it the best I could.

And that's the dream! I'll be back in the comments for imagery explanation shortly. What do you think?

Interpretation/Comment by David Hechler on February 9, 2010, 12:07 AM


Hey Jaron, It is interesting that you had 3 unique dreams, yet they were all connected by some small thread. I liked them. You had a decently normal dream here. Not like others you've had.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on February 12, 2010, 7:34 PM

Normal dream?

Ha, ha, a decently normal dream? My dreams are pretty strange often, aren't they? Or maybe I only like to post the interesting ones.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on February 12, 2010, 7:49 PM

More Details

Anyways, here are more details concerning my dream which might aid in an interpretation.

John (my Dad-in-Law) is someone whose opinion I respect and who is a strong Christian influence in my life. The "bad language" may be in reference to...bad things in my life? Or controversial beliefs? I'm not certain.

The subject matter of CCCC and "Keith's church" was immediately relevant because I woke up the morning I had the dream to go to the first instance of "Keith's church" at the Maryville Senior Center and have been debating whether or not to leave CCCC. And Dave's presence in this dream was odd in that he was at the Senior Center when I got there in reality. Weird...

I think Rachel represents the voice of criticism here, and Eric represents blunt honesty. Foo Fighters/Nirvana is typically some of the more mindless music I listen to, so I'm not sure what that's about (I usually listen to it when I'm in the car, and need to get pumped up about something).

The ending is a very, very interesting image of...the internet, perhaps. I mean, that's a metaphorical blank room where people are looking at your goings-on behind a sort of wall, right? They're looking for you to give or entertain in some way, right?

Anyways, maybe this dream is an amalgamation of all of my musings recently. Thoughts?

I feel the lady in the church represents the "blame Keith" philosophy that the elders of our church are wanting to tout. Dave represents an elder who I think is closest to seeing our side of the mess. The baptism represents a sense of Christian togetherness.

"Heroes and Villains is my favorite song off of my recently declared favorite album "Heroes and Villains." The fact that someone would actually know what that is and would want to harmonize with me, means that...there is somebody there who I really, really agree with?

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