Jaron's Journal

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August 28, 2008, 9:05 PM

Come together, right now, over me
Hey All! With the completion of the gallery, I do believe I've finally gotten this site to a satisfactory state. So now I'm going to try to get the word out there that it exists. But it is not finished by far...

There is still plenty more music, software, pictures, dreams, and random links (such as the infamous "Sea Monster") to come.

Criticisms and suggestions are welcome. If there is anything that could be better about this site, or if there are any pages, ideas, or experiments you'd like to see up here; just shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do!

Also, for those interested in dreams and/or nightmares be sure to sign up and check out the nightmares and dreams section, and post your dreams, no matter how weird!
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August 25, 2008, 10:45 AM

It's a steady job, and I want to be a paperback writer...
Whew! Well there are a lot of things afoot since the last time I posted. Where should I begin? I suppose I'll begin with the JaronDavis.com changes, as there have been many.

First things first, I added a new Random/Fun section which will house all of my future experimental, random, and/or miscellaneous pages. I've placed the Bio's in this section, and I've also added a new Dreams & Nightmares section. This is one of "fun experiments". In it you can post new or anonymous dreams or nightmares, and others can give their thoughts, discussions, interpretations, or whatever else. Since I have a life-long collection of odd, random, scary, and goofy dreams; and seeing that I add to these almost weekly; I should be frequenting this section in the near future.

I've also added a new Tetris clone I've entitled "Falling Things" into the Software section. It's an experiment I did while trying to show my sis how to program games in .NET. It comes complete with falling blocks, high scores, bright colors, and music hastily performed and edited by yours truly. It's also free, so if you want yet another Tetris clone, download Falling Things 1.0.

I'm also working on adding a gallery to the website. I've got the pages and folder structure almost set up, and once that's done, I'll be adding a bunch of picture of Rachel, Krycek, Ziggy, and I.

And with regards to the "Dark Forest" album, Jesse and I are going to get together two weekends from now to work on writing/recording songs for the album. So far I've got about 8 or 9 strong ideas for songs, four songs halfway written and recorded (two of which I can't record with Jesse for one experimental reason or another), and one song lined out ready to record. I'm hoping to turn a lot of those "strong ideas" into "songs ready to record" before my two weeks is up. We're also hoping to come up with a song or two while we're there. In either case, we've got our work cut out for us for these next two weeks, so be on the lookout for possible "Dark Forest" demos in the next month or so.

And as for life in general, it's been pretty good recently. Rachel and I spent Friday and Saturday in Greenville hanging out with family and friends, and the weekend before we went to see Berry and the Jake Russell band perform at the Red Sea in St. Louis, MO. We also had yet another weenie roast, but this time it was at David Hechler's house with Zach Monts, Jake Russell, Rachel Davis, Dave, Laura, and I all present.

That's about it...
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August 11, 2008, 9:31 AM

I heard the news today, oh boy...

Rachel and I drove to my parent's place this last weekend, and it was quite a busy weekend! My parents are in the process of building a big three-story house, and we spent a lot of time straightening the place up by moving boxes to the third floor, and by moving boxes from the current house to the new house.

We also had a "weenie" roast, during which we toasted hot-dogs, marshmallows, and (oddly enough) apples. We were also treated to some of Rachel's famous lemonade.

Other activities during the weekend included going to multiple garage sales in Higbee, MO (I found a CD case and a copy of Audio Adrenaline's "Bloom" for 75 cents total); spending time with our rats, Ziggy and Krycek; having an excellent dinner over at my aunt Phillis's place; and watching an old "3rd Doctor" episode of Doctor Who entitled "The Daemons."

Ah, a day in the life of Jaron Davis...
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