Jaron's Journal

Back To August, 2008

August 11, 2008, 9:31 AM

I heard the news today, oh boy...

Rachel and I drove to my parent's place this last weekend, and it was quite a busy weekend! My parents are in the process of building a big three-story house, and we spent a lot of time straightening the place up by moving boxes to the third floor, and by moving boxes from the current house to the new house.

We also had a "weenie" roast, during which we toasted hot-dogs, marshmallows, and (oddly enough) apples. We were also treated to some of Rachel's famous lemonade.

Other activities during the weekend included going to multiple garage sales in Higbee, MO (I found a CD case and a copy of Audio Adrenaline's "Bloom" for 75 cents total); spending time with our rats, Ziggy and Krycek; having an excellent dinner over at my aunt Phillis's place; and watching an old "3rd Doctor" episode of Doctor Who entitled "The Daemons."

Ah, a day in the life of Jaron Davis...

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